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Allmed Fzco

Business category 1 Lace
City ( of main office ) Dubai, AE, United Arab Emirates
Address Jafza
Phones 971-4-2234590
Fax 971-4-2234520
About ALLMED FZCO is establsihed in 1985 with the goal to serve the health care market worldwide. We have different ranges of products in pharmaceutical sector, medical equipment sector, medical disposable sector and many more items upon request as our inventory is quite a long one. We are currently located in Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai-UAE. We always have the ready stocks in our warehouse facility to facilitate the customer immediately and to supply the products immediately. As you know that Dubai is one of the place from where the supplies of the products can be very effeciant due to many air carriers and sea carriers available for all around the globe and this is our key to success. Well, our histroy is same as we are now into the same business since long time in the same HEALTH CARE field. If any customer has an interested in our products & services so we can serve them in a very professional manner as we have very skilled managers to take car eof the customers.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10