Al-Hokama D.S
Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Amman, JO, Jordan |
Address | Madienah Monwarah |
Phones | 962-6-5529340 |
Web site | |
About | Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to you in hope that you will take interest in AI-Hokama Drug Store and Pharmaceutical, a private share-holding firm established in August of 2001, as part of AI-Hokama Investment Group. Our mission to distribute medicine in all types' equipments, cosmetics, and products related to the medical field, to the Middle Eastern region, with our central locus of allocation in Jordan. Our focus mainly lies in the distribution of pharmaceutical products, medical devices, cosmetic products related to the medical filed and the dental materials and devices. AI-Hokama seeks to manufacture these products in accordance with the international standards. Our main goal to achieve customer satisfaction. We wish to encourage you to enter into a correspondence which will, hopefully, result in a permanent contact between your respectful company and Al-Hokama Drug Store and Pharmaceutical, as we invite you to have AI-Hokama become the exclusive distribute of your products in Jordan, as well as other regions of the Middle East. If you would like to view our catalog, please get back to us requesting it. Should you need more information about us, please visit our website at WWW. Al-hokama. Corn Your kind consideration in this matter will be of great appreciation as we look forward to partnership with you. Best and warm regards, Dr. Ali AI-Hourani. General Manager. AI-Hokama Drug Store and Pharmaceutical. TIa Al Ali Area. AI-Madienah AI-Monawarah Street. Aloze building 2nd floor. WWW. Al-hokama. Com. Tel: 00962-6-5529340 Fax: 00962-6-5529350 |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 15:10 |