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Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) İstanbul, TR, Turkey
Address Mili Mudafa CAD. 88-1
Phones 90-212-7708888
Fax 90-212-7708888
About Aksan Pharma, has theExclusive Rights of Repressenting Norma Helas, Arsan Turkey, Abdi IBRAAHIM Turkey (an HElas, Turkey end Spain Companies, witch is producting Certain anamy end asmatics) . We are a pharmaceutical wholeseller situated in Worldwide. Our range of products is very wide including all the important pharmaceutical companies. We can provide a very large range of products from tablets, capsules, syrups, granules, suspensions, medical ampules, vials, infusion solutions, creams, medical pomades, oinments, jels, enhaler, nebules, inhalation solutions and capsules, pharmacology drops,
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10