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Agro Bumi Aromatic Utama PT.

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Jakarta, ID, Indonesia
Address Jln. Raya Tajur Babadak No. 65 Rt. 04 Rw. 04 No. 65
Phones 62-251-9241098
Fax 62-251-9105070
Web site www.bogornews.com
About We have sufficiently long active in this distillation because this is hereditary effort endowed from our parent and we have understood correct about how mengolah seed of the nutmeg to yield oil which with quality exeed. our distillation reside in area of about bogor, with strategic location and condition of good nature is I guarantee that oil of nutmeg which I yield is oil which with quality expor at the price of which enough compete because process of its distillation have come near international standard. oil of Nutmeg represent one of type of oil of atsiri owning aroma typically and the goal feel specific. In this time oil of nutmeg have a lot of application in so many industrial type like pharmacy, food, the other and beverage.

For more information please visit our website or call us at + 62817400502 or +622512144447
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10