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Agency Hitprom

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Zagreb, HR, Croatia
Address Strahinjica Bana 29/II
Phones 381-11-3033036
Fax 381-11-3033037
Web site www.hitprom.co.yu
About In january 1992. Hitprom was established as a small family firm which planned to make its mark by offering high-quality services. It was founded just as capitalism, unwelcome for a full fifty years, began to make its return in eastern Europe. The company began with a young, keen and highly motivated team, ready to learn from their own experience since there was no others to look up to at the time. This pioneer spirit meant a rapid acquisition of knowledge, and hitprom has grown into a strong company which is now number one in the field in belgrade.

We offer professionalism, accuracy and dedication to every job and client no matter if you require small flat for rent or land for big time construction or virtually anything else in between those two.

Belgrade was recently voted number 2 (after london) European capital for investments by financial times. When making a move to a new market number one priority is reliable and experienced local partner.

Here we'll mention just some of our partners/clients that taught hitprom is the best choice: Procter & gamble, avon, astra-zeneca, philip morris, Japan tobacco, ericsson, rank xerox, coca cola company, pepsi various European banks, un agencies and almost all embassies in belgrade and serbia.

You have open invitation to make money here and we are ready to help you achieve your goals.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10