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Afro Dan Private Limited Company

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Addis Ababa, ET, Ethiopia
Address OromyaAddis AbabaDebreZeit Road
Phones 251-0114-655725
Fax 251-0114-668316
Web site afrodanplc.com
About Afro Dan P. L. C, has been established 1995 as an independent company in Federal democratic republic of Ethiopia. In 1997, Afro Dan developed and diversified its activities to cover new business scopes, e. g. Import industrial chemical, laboratory Equipment & chemical, Fargo Printers and Consumable Products, Computers, Laptop and Val CAM photo ID Camera and Assure ID Enterprise software distributors and Advertising & Printing business activities.
After thirteen years of its existence, it became one of the leading business firms in Ethiopia specializing General Import, Advertising and printing and organized local & International Exhibition & Trade fairs.
Afro Dan, also enjoys an excellent and sound financial standing, reputation and well established name in Ethiopia. Due to its vast experienced in the field of general import, advertising & printing, organize international and local exhibition and trade fair.
Currently, Afro Dan, participating on a tender which invited by governmental and non governmental organization.
In addition to this Afro Dan, is being authorized agents & exclusive distributor for Fargo ID Card Products and having selected, secure, regular and reliable supply source from all over the world.
Afro Dan could achieve a high level of success with in such a short period of time with the support of its valued overseas partner and due to very strong relations with the top management.
Afro Dan acquainted competence, sound reputation, vast experience and well-established name in the following business scopes.
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Fargo Product Comparisons
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10