Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | İstanbul, TR, Turkey |
Address | Ambarli Dolum Tesisleri CAD Sehit Zafer Sok No 5 |
Phones | 90-212-4221575 |
Fax | 90-212-4221575 |
Web site | www.ayemguvenlik.com |
About | AYEM SECURITY EQUIPMENTS AYEM Security Equipments is a leading establishment in its sector by gathering all up-to-date technological developments with its experience of 28 years in the armored vehicle sector and having the best service for its customers as a principle. Our company commenced its production under a British license in 1978 has the title of the firm having produced the first money transport vehicle in our country. At current period, it has made its own quality standards also accepted by domestic and export markets. AYEM has provided 95 % of current domestic banks within the last 15 years and continues at current period as well. Our domestic production on its own has exceeded 10.000 units within this duration. It has also effectuated its armored vehicle export to various Turkish Republics of the Central Asia, Far Eastern (China, Hong Kong) and European Countries individually and with the collaboration of Otosan Ford A.S. In addition to the armored money-transfer vehicles for banks, it manufactures VIP armored passenger cars, commercial armored vehicles, bullet-proof cashier desks, workbenches and bullet-proof security offices. We effectuate the production of our entire products by a band system being equipped with all sorts of technological equipment at a covered area of 5.000 sqm. Our R&D Department keeps working without any interruption in order to provide you the best, fastest and most quality service. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 10:10 |