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AVT Audio Video Technologies GmbH

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Nuremberg, DE, Germany
Address Nordostpark 12,
Phones 49-911-5271-0
Fax 49-911-5271-100
Web site www.avt-nbg.de
About Overview

AVT Audio Video Technologies GmbH was founded on 1st. October 1996. It took over the Audio and Video Products manufactured by Lucent Technologies Nuernberg formerly PKI (Philips Kommunikations Industrie AG) . Avt was given exclusive rights for further development, production and world-wide marketing of the professional Audio and Video products. Meanwhile AVT has extended its product portfolio by new and highly competitive and innovative products.


AVT is located in Nuernberg, Germany.


AVT is a limited company. The main activities in the Nuernberg Head Office are Development, Sales and Marketing. Avt products are manufactured under contract by ePS. Infrastructure services such as Shipping, Controlling, Accounts and human resources are provided by PSi under contract. Bothe ePS and PSi companies are located in Siegen, Germany and are ISO 9001 certified.


The AVT broad portfolio of Audio products ranges from POTS and ISDN Telephone Hybrids with Screening software, ISDN Audio Codecs for reporting, backup and Audio surveillance, 2-Mbit / s Audio Codecs for Audio Distribution applications, to DAB and DAB + Audio Encoders and Monitoring Decoders. The company can provide complete end-to-end DAB solutions including Service and Ensemble Multiplexers.

AVT also manufactures a range of Video Encoders / Decoders with E1 (2-Mbit / s) , T1 (1. 54-Mbit / s) , ISDN, X. 21, V. 35 and Ethernet interfaces for live video surveillance. All Video Encoders / Decoders incorporate data channels for remote camera control, data transmission, etc. And stereo Audio can also be transmitted over the video channel using our Audio Codecs.

These products serve markets such as Public and Private Broadcasters, Telecommunications companies, Police, Crime Prevention and Law Enforcement Agencies, Traffic Surveillance, Government Departments, Military, etc.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10