ATS Galaxi
Business category 1 | Ore |
City ( of main office ) | Rāwalpindi, PK, Pakistan |
Address | 69, Malik Plaza. Main Peshawar Road |
Phones | 92-51-5461462 |
Fax | 92-51-5460102 |
About | Develop the national culture; create an international image, meeting a glorious future of ATS GALAXI We feel keenly the heavy duty we bear and the bright future we have. In the vast developing space, under the guides of the market, we stands on the shoulder of the giant, telling the world the story of GALAXI. Company Profile High technology applications are in constant evolution, and its progress that keeps changing faster and faster, requires that any serious company with no other policy than to supply reliable and quality products and services to its customers. For that reason, ATS GALAXIs support to the customers includes research and development of advance programs. This puts ATS GALAXI in the privileged position to offering state of the art technology, multi-type equipment and other products. On the bases of these realities ATS GALAXI earned a good name within a very short time among the customers. Mining Division: Galaxi has 04 leases for the following Minral products situated at Hazara Division of NWFP Pakistan: - 1. Iron Ore Lumps 2. Clinker 3. Graphite (Lumps) 4. Barite. 5. Marbel Total leased area is more tha 4500 Sq Accor. The production was started in 2005 through conventional method. Now a days, we are establishing contacts with many foreign companies for export of above products. The response is much more than the expectations. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 00:10 |