Business category 1 Flow Measuring Instruments
City ( of main office ) Poznań, PL, Poland
Address UL. Klemensa Janickiego 23 / 25
Phones 48-61-8418234
Fax 48-61- 8418147
Web site www.powogaz.com.pl
About Apator Powogaz S. A. is one of the largest Polish and European manufacturers of water meters. Our strong market position is attributable to our expertise based on 80-year tradition. The objective of our activities is to provide superior quality services to our individual and corporate Clients worldwide.

The brand name of PoWoGaz offering a full range of water meters, heat meters and heat meter volume parts, has gained recognition among domestic as well as foreign Clients. With more than 50% of total sales, the export activities are of crucial importance for the company growth. We cooperate with numerous companies from West and East Europe, the Near and Far East, Africa, both Americas and from Australia.

In addition to top quality products we have been produced for many years, our clients can benefit from new products we enter the market with. Thanks to our own patents and engineering standards, our Design Office can make custom-made products. With all of this available, we are now among the worldwide suppliers of water and heat metering equipment.

In our times we are facing the need to economically and reasonably use the natural resources. Concerned about the natural environment, towards the end of the 90-ties we launched a new production plant in Pniewy near Poznan, meeting the most rigorous technical and environmental standards. This way, by improving our technologies to manage water and energy resources more reasonably, our activities are adjusted to the environment protection trends applied worldwide. This implies the demand for more and more accurate metering equipment and billing services, which we constantly endeavour to satisfy.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10