Business category 1 | Fashion Bags |
City ( of main office ) | Calcutta, IN, India |
Address | 204 Ananda Palli, Sulekha, Jadavpur, Kolkata |
Phones | 91-033-65163193 |
Fax | 91-033-65163193 |
About | AMERICAN TRADE SERVICES INCORPORATED 442, 98th Ave. N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 USA 763-792-4588 INDIA CONTACT : B K GUHA 09831404431 20/4 K B LANE, KOLKATA 32, Date: April 12, 2010 COMPANY PROFILE American Trade Services, Inc was registered on June 3, 1999 in Minnesota as a charitable company. Under Tax Law this company is considered as a Private Foundation. The income of this company, after sharing portions with agents who help in introducing businesses, is given away for charitable work. Because of the nature of work of this company the Internal Revenue Service of the USA granted this company Tax Exempted Status . The organizers of ATS do voluntary work. We search and find suitable buyers and sellers of various products in a wide range of countries and develop businesses and earn commissions from suppliers of goods for expanding their markets. From India we had arranged to export Galvanized Steel from Tata Steel company to an engineering company in Italy. Due to government restriction in exporting galvanized steel from India we had to make alternate arrangements and we found a company in Brazil to export to Italy several million dollars worth of galvanized steel . Our latest business is arranging export of cane sugar from Brazil to India and Iraq. We are also engaged in organizing export of tires for automobiles and trucks from India to Brazil and tents for displaced persons in Haiti. Another interesting work we organize is export of curry pastes and spice powders from India to European countries. The organizers of ATS are highly educated professionals and have wide travel experiences in Far East, Middle East, European countries and North America which they effectively use for business connections. We solicit information on products that can be exported or imported so that benefits can be shared between ATS and many others and thus the aims and aspirations of ATS may be further ed. John Jacob President ATS, Inc. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 21:10 |