Business category 1 | Chemical Product Agents |
City ( of main office ) | Kuala Lumpur, MY, Malaysia |
Address | Suite 19.01c, Menara Citibank,165 Jalan Ampang |
Phones | 0060-3-21662775 |
Fax | 0060-3-21662776 |
About | In this new century, AMTEL Group has become the tire and Pertocemical leader in Russia and the CIS countries. This position confers on us a certain degree of responsibility to create additional development programmes. We understand perfectly well that Russia's rebirth is tightly linked with the development of our nation's industrial capacity as a whole, and with the petrochemical industry in particular. Our company's infrastucture was developed in conditions of an old economy and, in many aspects, removed from contemporary advances in science and technology. However, construction of new factories would require unprecendented investments of large amounts of capitalas well as modernisation of currently existing enterprises. Our policy is to invest the resources nessasary in order to retool factories and create modern production capabalities in already existing production facilities. In this regard, it bears mentioning that AMTEL is one of the manufacturing companies in the globe that attacts direct foreign investment from the West into the economy's industrial sector. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |