Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Zagreb, HR, Croatia
Address Beogradska 39
Phones 381-65-2260 116
Fax 381-11-2261116
Web site agrohemizacija.com
About Trade company in ex-Yugoslavia marker.

Good network coverage in vegetable and fruit buissiness with local distributors.

We have our trial field for made a trial with new product which we distribute.

Our main product is Natural plant Antifreeze (biological frost protection) , organic and an organic

plant grow stimulator (GA 3, NAA, 6BA, Ethephon) , special fertilizer based on humic / fulvic acid, special fertilizer for nematode protection, special fertilizer for pigment initiation on fruit and vegetables, hormon for setting fruit for tomato, strawberry, zucchini, organic solution for plant disease and insect.

Our customer have a full support for ours product.

We a small company specialize in plant grow stimulator and special fertilizer,

all what we sell we try before or we use foreigner experiece in our recommendation.

We a open for new product and like to cooperation with similar company all around a world.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10