Business category 1 | Sportswear |
City ( of main office ) | Seoul, KR, South Korea |
Address | # 7FL, Songsan P & D B / D 15-87 Daejo-Dong EunPyung-Gu |
Phones | 82-70-8236-6749 |
Fax | 82-2-6280-6749 |
Web site | |
About | We as wholesaler and manufacturer based in Korea develop trendy styles in high sewing quality, especially for special occasion dresses, at competitive price range and ship to wordwide buyers as wholesalers or retailers in hoping to keep a reliable long term relationship with our buyers and both of us success in the fashion market. Cost arrangements are based on quantity. Our products are all made in Korea. We also develop any new styles by buyers' request. Thank you. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 10:10 |