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A2Z Services, LLC

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Canton, US, United States
Address 8017 Labana Ct.
Phones 1-734-748-2292
Web site a2zservices.intuitwebsites.com/Products.html
About We are involved in two areas:

1. Marketing of Solar Energy Products:

2. Providing services in different areas:

Security & Surveillance: Beside security & surveillance it also include fast real time analytics so data can be analyzed quickly and preventive action can be taken.

Solar Energy: This can go 2 ways. First option is to make a Solar Farm with imported panels, and the second option is to build a factory to manufacture Solar panels which can be locally deployed or exported overseas.

Telecom: Technology called MCS (Massive Collection System) and Revenue Assurance. These two technologies combined, could be used to track illegal call terminations. They can also be used in other areas such as utility, to ensure revenue collection. Then another technology like Mobile Cloud, which can be deployed to develop unique applications and contents.

Water Purification: This is mainly to be done by use of Nano membrane technology. The advantage of this technology is about 1000x better efficiency
Date 2011 Oct 29, 11:10